Category: Content Marketing
The Main Element of Content Marketing & SEO
Lots of business owner view content marketing and SEO as separate, but a solid keyword research can be used to boost up content marketing approach. Imagine you are in an auditorium surrounded by a large audience. You can say anything you want, but as soon as you finish your first sentence, people would decide whether […]
Developing Your Strategy in Content Marketing
Have you always wanted to create a strategy in content marketing? Worry not, for you have come to the right place. Before we begin, there is one vital difference you should fully understand: A strategy in content marketing is NOT similar to a “content strategy”. While some people frequently use the two terms interchangeably, Robert […]
Five Important Narratives in Writing Data-Driven Stories
An obvious growing interest is being shown in data-driven stories where they refer to its growing trend as the next big thing in the world of content marketing. They also acknowledge that this growing trend will also reshape both content and advertising. Although some people think that data-enhanced storytelling is just new in data journalism, […]
5 Effective Ways to Examine Your Competitors Content
It is not just your site that you need to focus on, in the world of competition, you will also need to analyse your competitor. However, competitor analysis can be a daunting task, which makes most website owners just put this at the back of their list. Still, this task is very important especially if […]
3 Tips for Making Valuable Content
A good website must have valuable content that offers your audience the best possible experience. Content must be original and useful. When your target audience finds your content inspiring or informative, there’s a chance that they will return to your website or share your content with other people. Your original content is what attracts people […]
4 Ways to Keep Creative for Content Marketers
Content Marketing can be difficult because of the need to continuously create original ideas and content. To keep generating quality content, you must ensure that your work values originality and high levels of user engagement. This gets even harder with search algorithm changes that transformed the way quality signals are viewed. Technicalities aside, content marketers […]