Why Should You Redesign Your Website

Website Redesigns

Many people feel that once they have a website online that will be sufficient for their business. The problem is that your website is a reflection of your business, and the number of clients we get coming to us with poorly designed websites or sites with slow loading times is shocking. When a web visitor lands on your website he or she will take 2 to 3 seconds to judge whether they want to stay on your site or click the back button and continue searching for the same service or information elsewhere. Your website is part of your brand and a professional website can instill some trust and give the feeling that you are an authority in your field

What does a website redesign achieve?

We have redesigned many websites for clients that have reported a great increase from their online revenues or online lead generations. We have improved their visitor times (how long someone stays on their site) and also the number of pages they view. But the bottom line is if you want to earn more money from your website (which is clearly why you have one) then you need a professional custom designed site that represents your business in an effective and accurate manner.

If your thinking about getting a website redesign but aren’t sure what you should be aiming for or what it entails then either use the contact form here to get some advice or just call us on 0203 823 9033 and we will be happy to discuss and advise you accordingly with no commitments. But my final note is to make sure your website reflects you and your business effectively and make it a positive part of your overall business.


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