Category: Web Design
Flat Web Designs Are Back In The Game
Ever heard of the expression, “Everything old is new again?” That’s the case with flat web designs and it’s even stronger than ever. This specific category of web design is neat, fresh, uncluttered and minimalist, focusing on content rather than the flashy design elements like 3D effects, bevels, gradients, etc., that adds certain dimension […]
Effective Ways To Improve Your Web Design According To Psychology
Psychological research isn’t the kind of thing you would expect web designers to utilize, yet it’s likely one of the most important tools in their pockets for creating websites that acquires great results. Since the primal days of the Internet, psychologists have always been conducting various researchers to find out how the human mind interacts […]
How To Use Colour Psychology To Increase Sales
Have you ever wondered what makes a certain online store more thriving than some other brand, even though they offer almost the same type of services or products? Well according to several marketing studies, the answer to that question is colour. According to the studies, colours are responsible for up to 85% of why people […]
Things We’ve Learned About SEO This Year
Since the beginning of the search engine, SEO has been an essential, yet quite often misunderstood industry. For most people, these three letters bring massive frustration; but for others, SEO has rescued their business. To top it off, having a distinct search strategy often separates those who succeed on their business ventures, from those who […]
How To Make A Successful Website
1) Be sure that your website looks great and that it functions properly: There’s nothing more discouraging than having a cluttered website. After all, it is your 24/7 salesperson who does not sleep, doesn’t need any holiday break and is constantly available should your clients need them. However, just like the human counterpart, your website […]
Does Your Landing Page Make the Cut?
A landing page is an extremely vital link for capturing your targeted audience. Apart from other pages on your website, a landing page is an essential advertising and marketing tool that has a particular goal. Any business related websites may have one or more landing pages, in order to target different sets of audiences. No […]
The Essentials of Adding Forms To Your Website
If you’re like most internet users, chances are you have already filled out some type of form just to get a free trial of a software or to download a PDF file. Business websites use forms because these are one of the most powerful ways to create new leads for their brand, as well […]
Useful Ways to Impress Your Users With Your UI
Your User Interface or UI is so much more than a pretty façade on top of your HTML. How you design it can make a huge difference between your website and a competitor’s boring interface. So here are some simple ways on how you can impress your daily users with your UI: Make Them […]
How To Make Your Website Function Better
We all have that one thing that we do over and over again all throughout the day. It may be an errand, a casual browsing of our social media accounts, or even work-related tasks. Whatever these things may be, if you work in front of a computer or a smart phone, you are more […]
Why Web Design Is Like Playing Football
Some of you may not be familiar with web designing, but surely you have some insight as to how football works. Explore the similarities of these two, and surely grasp the general idea of how to design and run your own website. Web design, just like football — requires proper planning, teamwork, strategy, and aiming […]